Thursday, May 5, 2016

Insanity Max 30 Results

So excited to share with you my coach, Sarah’s results from Insanity Max 30 results (Oh and it’s on promotion right now – say what?) I am so glad to know her, grow my business with her, be on her team, have wine nights, hold each other accountable, share my life with her, and be girl bosses together!!! I probably would have never got to know her without this amazing coaching opportunity she gave me. Love you girl!!! 😘 #wcw

She is one hot momma who got results with determination and consistency. Yes, some people want to look like her before picture and that is ok! She looks FABULOUS in both. But in her second photo, she is healthy, fit, happy, and confident in her skin. She followed her meal plan about 80% of the time, drank her Shakeology each day, and did her workouts!!! BAM, she is FIT! 💪🏼

Want to know something else? She only lost 4 pounds during this program, but she didn’t have a drastic weight loss because it doesn’t work, it’s because she was already fairly small, a size 0 and you don’t have that much weight to drop. She is healthy and toned. She didn’t need to lose weight, she has been “skinny” her whole life, she did it to be healthy and fit for herself and her family. ❤️

If you are looking to GET HEALTHY, LOSE WEIGHT, TONE UP, or GET FIT, let’s chat!!! I would love for you to join me in my challenge group starting May 9th!! Summer is coming and our bikinis need to fit!!

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