Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

The cutest pumpkin in the patch!
Trinity and I went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday 10/24.
We had so much fun!
It was Mommy/Daughter day!
Trinity was too busy in the play houses.
She didn't even want to go on the hay ride.
She didn't even care to pick out pumpkins to carve.
She made some new friends in the play house though!
More playhouse fun!
But I will say..
My daughter gets more beautiful each day.
That blonde hair and blue eyes.
That smile will light up anyone's world.
She is definitely my favorite pumpkin EVER!
TPK loved the witch's "stew".
It was all eyeballs.
She kept playing in it and takin' the eyeballs out.
She is a little stinker.
Then she would go put them in another water pond.
She thought it was funny.
Then she goes "ewww eyeballs".
Never a dull moment with this cutie!

Harner Farms is where we like to go to pick pumpkins.
I wish Trinity wanted to do the hayride
and pick a pumpkin from the patch.
It's ok, because there is always next year.
Needless to say, we left without pumpkins.
She didn't want to sit still, she wanted to play for the afternoon.
Little 2 year olds have their own agenda.. HAHA!

A nice guy said, "Let me take your picture."
Trin and I got up on the big bear and got our picture taken.
Mommy and Trin's day out was a success.
Even though we didn't get pumpkins.
Having her play all day and just having the day together was PERFECT!

That face though!
We always get her picture in the pumpkin.
She was cheesin' hard!
I love making new memories with her though!
Then she was a cute little kitty.
I love you Trinity the black kitty.
Those blue eyes are poppin!
Yes, her fingernails are only painted on one hand.
That's what happens when toddlers are impatient
and don't want their nails to dry.. LOL!

Haunted House time.
It was just a little walk way.
She got scared though and ran out the entrance.
She wanted to go in by herself too.
I said let Mommy carry you and she didn't.
I guess she was too scared anyways!
I definitely caught a good picture of her running away!

On our way out, Trinity decided to hide.
I found her in this sign.
It was too cute!
Love my pumpkin!

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