Queen 2

Hey there sweet girl.
Thank you for showing us how to love.
You are our greatest gift.
Newborn photo.
Then Trinity peed on Daddy.
She is perfection though.
Our little angel. 
Trinty's first real bath.
You loved bath time.
Fresh and clean!
Happy 1 month!
All cute for LOVE day.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Auntie Amy got her this outfit :)
St. Patrick's Day.
Daddy's lucky charm.
Where's your green?
Happy 2 months!
 When you first held your bottle.
You were around 3 months.
Biggy girl.
Happy 3 months!
That smile melts my heart.
You brightened everyone's day.
Hoppy Easter!
My tired bunny.
No interest in being a bunny - lol!
Happy 4 months!
Pretty in pink.
No hair, but that's ok.
It will grow someday.
Happy 5 months!
Happy 6 months!
Time sure does fly when you watch this beauty grow.
That big smile.
Gahhhh, my heart is full.
TPK tried her first food.
6 months old.
Bananas were a no go.
On to the next food..
Happy 7 months!
These pictures were hard to take.
Each month you would wiggle more.
At least you smiled for most of them.
Such a happy girl.
Look like Daddy or Mommy?
Enjoying the summer day.
Happy 8 months!
Getting ready for fall.
Look at that pumpkin butt.
Cutest butt I've ever seen.
Happy 9 months!
Halloween time.
You have changed your looks so much.
You are growing like a weed.
You get more beautiful everyday.
Happy 10 months.
Only took Mommy 20 times
to get this photo.
You were chewing on a hair clip!
Oh boy!
You are sooooo happy.
Happy 11 months.
Mommy and Daddy gave up on this photo shoot.
You were having a bad day.
Are those happy tears?
Ohhh Trinny, don't cry.
 We love you!
Happy 1 year!
To the most fun-loving
little girl in the world!
We love watching you grow!
You will always be our baby girl!

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